Those who work with salted animal hides frequently experience red rust. Many things might cause this reddish-brown stain to develop on the flesh side of the hide.
Inadequate cure of the hide is one of the main causes of red rust. Before being dried, the hide must be well salted before being dried to prevent bacteria from growing on the flesh. The red rust stains are created by this bacteria's production of enzymes, which degrade the proteins in the hide.
Inadequate storage of the salted skin is another reason for red rust. The salt will attract moisture from the air and make the hide damp if the hide is kept in a moist or humid environment. This may result in the development of rust stains and the growth of bacteria.
Also, if the skin is not totally dry and put in a plastic bag or container, the slightly damp parts will produce condensation. The skin will develop red rust if stored in a plastic bag or container for a sufficient period.
Impure salt on the hide is another element that can result in crimson rust. The hide may get stained and discolored if the salt used to cure it contains contaminants like dirt or mud.
Animal hides adequately salted, and cured must be dried before they can develop red rust. A dry, well-ventilated space should be used to store the hide to avoid moisture buildup. Moreover, red rust can be avoided using pure salt devoid of contaminants.
Red rust stains on a hide are usually removable by scraping or sanding the affected region. But, it's crucial to remember that the discoloration may mean the hide cannot be used for some things, such as leather items.
In conclusion, red rust is a typical issue for anyone who works with salted animal hides. It is brought on by many elements, including using contaminated salt, incorrect curing, and storage. It's crucial to properly cure, dry, and store the hide, as well as to use clean, salt-free of contaminants to avoid the development of red rust.